Buying Jewellery in Australia

Right now, supporting small business in Australia is easy. The impact of COVID-19, and ‘staying at home’ has put the spotlight firmly on online shopping – the market place for many small businesses across the country. The difference between supporting a smallbusiness , often run from a spare room, kitchen table, or garage is often the more personal experience and unique products that you can find. It is a business built from that one person who has a passion for creating, and keen interest in providing a unique experience and product for the buyer. Buying jewellery in Australia It can be an experience unlike what you get in store. The pieces are crafted by hand, be that beading , metal work, glass or polymer clay, are constructed using techniques the crafter has developed over time. Their intimate knowledge of their product and craft shines through in their finished product, and you know that you are getting a product that is a little bit of their soul every time. Cowgirl Penda...